Monday, July 6, 2009

Weekend Recap: Saturday and Sunday, July 4 and 5, 2009

T-shirt: Old Navy

Jeans: Express (x2 Slim w10)

So July 4th was a bit of a dud this year. It drizzled the entire day so we just stayed home and bummed around the house. This was good because it was productive. But a major bummer because I didn't get to wear my super cute 4th of July shirt very much. It finally cleared up a bit around 9:30 and we joined the neighbors for the best darn firework show on the cul-de-sac. It was in the low 60's by then, so I covered up with a ratty old hoodie and my yucky yard shoes. Sadly, sometimes you have to forego style for sensibility!

Bad weather aside, isn't this the funnest t-shirt ever? I get a kick out of it every time I read it!

Dress: The Limited

Shoes: Steve Madden

Ring: The Limited

Sunday I slept in until the very last possible minute before church - hence the plastered back ponytail in the picture.

The dress is breezy and light and has a cute ruffle around the collar that's hard to distinguish in the full body shot. I really liked this dress (even more when someone asked if I'd lost weight while I was wearing it!) but seeing the picture now, I think it makes me look kind of old. Maybe it's just the severe hair throwing things off? Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?

1 comment:

Katie said...

Dowdy dress. First outfit that I am not a fan of...pretty good track record though...

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