Sweater: The Limited
Jeans: The Limited
Earrings: New York & Company
Bracelet: Lia Sophia
Shoes: Icora via Shi
I've got to figure out a better place to take pictures, so the camera will stop with all this blurry business and maybe brighten up a bit. Better pictures coming soon, I promise.
I loved the water color print on this tank. It's got a lot of colors going on, but I chose to pull out the purple with the cardigan. I'm still not quite over my purple obsession, even though I'm sure it's so last season by now!
I love these trouser cut jeans. I have to resist the urge to wear them every day. They are just the perfect cut and rinse. It will be a sad day when these jeans are put to rest.
I looked long and hard for a pair of purple heels. These weren't exactly what I was looking for, but I thought that the zippers were fun and they were less than $10, so they were close enough! I'm still on the hunt for a pair of purple patent peep toes but these will fill the void for now.
Those shoes may not have been what you were looking for, but they are super sassy!!!
Does you camera have a macro function? Like a little flower icon or something? Sometimes this happens to me where my camera gets put into a "mode" and that is what makes the pics be blurry. Or the auto focus isn't enabled or something.
Even blurry your outfits are cute!
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